Get Up and Choose You

Get Up and Choose You Video on Youtube. Link attached to photo.

“I am fulfilled when others are happy.” “I can change them.” “I can open their eyes.”

If there is one thing I took away from all the lessons my Mother taught me, it is that You are not everybody’s Christ.

Hey, College Girl! You were not put on earth to be a build-a-bear nor are you God.

Some may disagree and argue that because we are all reflections of one another in different phases of life, that grants us permission to try and fix. However, if you were not called to do so leave them alone. Isn’t it funny how we chase those who have their best interest in us away for the person who could care less? It’s almost as if one’s denial is a sign to keep pushing, trying, and loving. While it is your human instinct to desire a response, let’s make it a human instinct to prioritize our needs.

As children, we were taught to share with our classmates and siblings, be nice, and let the elders take our spot in line. While I am pro-elderly priority, I am pro-selfish when necessary. Before you text them, have you ever stopped to think, “When was the last time they checked in on me?” “How do I feel when I am around them?” “Why do they not listen to me when I speak?” The simple answer is they never cared to. The complex reality is because you were the only person to ever care for them and because you showed them they come first in your life, they maneuver accordingly. You have to know when to give and take. Why do we find so much value in what we can offer others than how those we serve value us?

Being a people pleaser can be damaging to our self-esteem.

One day we love our face, and the next day we find something to fix because our crush has a type. One day we loved singing, the next day we stopped because our friends jokingly told us were always singing. One day were promoting our business, and the next day we stopped because of hateful comments. We choose the words of the outsiders for our peace and the comfort of others. I will say one thing I live by: if you are not giving someone something to talk about you’re doing it wrong. You are safe to be who you are even when others do not like it. You are safe to choose your wants and needs at opposing interests. You are safe to do what you want at your leisure. When you choose yourself there is always going to be an unhappy camper and that is okay.

Love yourself enough to the extent that you miss yourself when you are around people sometimes! Your inner self misses being content about the small things. your inner self misses listening to the artist you grew up on. Your inner self misses what it feels like to stay in and watch a movie rather than choosing to take a drunk night out.

Be you. Do you. For you.




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